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Author:Adekunbi Rowland

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Publisher : Pyxidia House

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Title : Rádé

Book Category : Fiction ,Romance

Language : English

Author : Adekunbi Rowland

Print Publisher : Pyxidia House

E/Audio Book Publisher : Pyxidia

Formats : Print.

Print : July 2019

E/Audio Book : https://books.apple.com/us/book/r%C3%A1d%C3%A9/id1545949208

Pages : 348

ISBN 13 : 978-1-946530189 | ISBN 10:1-946530182


With hallmark insight and tenderness, the author, Adekunbi Rowland, weaves a tapestry of lives, business, friendship, betrayal, hope and the compelling power of love.

A gripping tale full of intrigue and suspense, Rádé is a dramatic story of a bright, young woman who has lived most of her nice, predictable life in London, but with much scepticism and reluctance, she must return home to Lagos, Nigeria and save her father’s crumbling business. Her ordered life is thrown into chaos as she gets a culture shock and faces difficulty settling down into a life much different from what she is used to; a life where she finds herself, her Nigerian identity, intriguing new friends, and love.

In a time when people are driven to pursue their most ambitious goals, the author probes the lives of two compelling characters, Rade and Zachary, who must achieve the heights in spite of the most daunting obstacles. She brings readers close to characters who open the doors on provocative subjects that affect us all; characters whose lives are as familiar as our own, and who live as we all do, in a world where everything can change in a single moment.



Adekunbi Rowland is a freelance writer from Osun State, Nigeria. She has ghost-written several published articles on travel and lifestyle. She is well-travelled and her educational background span Nigeria and the UK.

Her eclectic life and career shaped her writing, with influences from cities such as her birthplace, Zaria, to Jos, Ibadan, Lagos and London.

She loves family, friends and church; enjoys dancing, travelling, the beach, engaging people in intriguing conversations and writing on her blog, adekunbiblog.wordpress.com

Adekunbi lives in Lagos and also works as a design consultant.

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