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Shifting grounds

Author:Ojo Akin-Longe

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Publisher : Pyxidia House

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Title : Shifting grounds

Book Category : Fiction ,Romance

Language : English

Author : Ojo Akin-Longe

Print Publisher : Pyxidia House

E/Audio Book Publisher : Pyxidia House

Formats : Print, eBook.

Print : December 2023

E/Audio Book : https://books.apple.com/us/book/shifting-grounds/id6473805199

Pages : 350

ISBN 13 : 978-1-946530-44-8 | ISBN 10:1-946530-44-1

About The Book

Shifting Grounds is an intriguing, lush, genre-bending debut novel about a young man, Omusha, who longs for more in life than the cards he's been dealt —too often before his relationships can blossom, a heartbreaking incident seems to cut the story short.

With his mother's prejudices finally taking centre stage, Omusha falls in love with a beautiful young girl from his village; from their first encounter, Omusha feels a connection with Onivenu that he can't ignore. But even as she seems to reciprocate his feelings, and they get married, she suddenly becomes frustratingly distant and cold, making Omusha wonder what she's hiding and, thus, embarks on a quest to unravel her secrets. What follows is a long journey of hopes, disloyalty, betrayals, falsehood, and, ultimately, of love.

The Author, Ojo Akin-Longe, crafts an engaging, satisfying build of narrative, a character-driven tale dotted with uncanny glimpses of different worlds of love and how prejudices and shifts can change everything, all of which come together and crescendo into theatrics that will leave the reader reeling.

Shifting Grounds builds suspense and emotion, revealing itself page by page and layer by layer; it is cleverly written, pleasingly unconventional, and highly entertaining.


About The Author

Ojo Akin-Longe is a seasoned professional with diverse career experiences spanning corporate roles in human resources management, entrepreneurship, consulting, public service, education, and literary writing across different genres encompassing prose, poetry, business, and entrepreneurship.

His love for travel has taken him to several countries across the world and different cultures. While Ojo is Nigerian born, he identifies himself as a global citizen.

As a storyteller, Ojo enjoys piecing together both real-life and imaginary stories, building on a rich and vivid tapestry of imaginations that resonates with audiences, evoking emotions and provoking thoughtful contemplation.

Ojo Akin-Longe is also the author of “The Transition: Transitioning From Paid Employment to Entrepreneurship” and “Musings:Life In Perspective”. He is blessed with four children – Tammy, Efi, Ona, and Isaac.

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